The opportunity to create and sustain this record of our Gillespie Family of Mississippi is truly a privilege and a Labor of Love. I hope that you will find it interesting, enjoyable, and hopefully inspiring. Inspiring, to help you continue to remember your 'Roots', and to help us all continue to keep this family closer together.
This place will evolve and grow, as does our Family. So I appreciate your patience and welcome your input and contributions, as we honor the Gillespie Family of Mississippi (family photos especially wanted!).
This place is dedicated to two members of our prolific Gillespie family:
First, to my Dad, Roy D. Gillespie, 
who has been gone to be with The Lord for all these years now, but who not a day goes by, we do not miss dearly. But we know that, through The Lord Jesus Christ, we will see our Loved Ones again!
And secondly, to my cousin, Jerry M. Gillespie of Isola, MS 
- the 'Family Historian' - who inspired me to this effort, by telling me stories of our family and their rich history, and by sharing with me priceless family photos, all of which has never allowed me to forget where I came from.
I hope that this place will do the same for you, too!
Stephen (Steve) Gillespie Sr
Arlington, Tennessee
 James Oscar & Minnie Lee Gillespie Family, August 1953, Vardaman MS
Left to Right: Fonzo, Connie, Clyde, Jimmie Lee, Theo, Wilson, Maylene, Virginia, Roy; Seated: Mamaw & Papaw G. (not shown: Ethel & Grace)